The Stayer Study

En gull løvetann
The Norwegian Stayer study is a naturalistic, prospective cohort study of the course and timing of neurocognitive and psychosocial recovery in patients with substance use disorder. The Stayer-study will monitor participants over a period of 10 years, using a both quantitative and qualitative methods. 

Primary research aims  

  • Describe clinical recovery from substance use disorder
  • Describe personal recovery from substance use disorder. 
  • Expand our knowledge of cognitive determinants in substance use disorder, with emphasis on different types of cognitive assessment.   

Project details  

Participants: N= 208 patients were recruited from the Stavanger University Hospital catchment area between March 2012 and January 2016.  

Timeframe: The project will complete its data collection in 2026.  

Principal investigator: Aleksander Hagen Erga, PhD 

Project group: Thomas Svendsen, Anne Lill Mjølhus Njå, Siri Lunde, user representatives in various roles. 

Research group: The project group also includes a multidisciplinary research group with background in clinical psychology, social work, and sociology.  

Current PhD-candidates: Jens Hetland, Elise Constance Fodstad, Thomas Svendsen, Mariann Vigdal, and Sandra Drevsjø. 

Previous PhD-candidates: Egon Hagen, Inger Eide Robertson, Fredrik D. Moe.  

Collaboration: Researchers from University of Stavanger, University of Bergen, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Pennsylvania, Aarhus University, and several clinical research groups in Norway. 


For project site in Norwegian, click here: Stayer-studien (

10 års jubileum for Stayer-studien

Den 10.03.23 ble det arrangert jubileumssamling for å markere at Stayer-studien har pågått i over 10 år. KORFOR er veldig stolte av og takknemlige for de over 200 deltakerne som har brukt av sin tid for å dele sine erfaringer med oss. Slik...
10 years anniversary of the Stayer study (article only in Norwegian)

Center for alcohol and drug research (KORFOR)

KORFOR conducts research and professional development, networking and education in the field of substance abuse. KORFOR serves as a networking organization that both initiates and participates in projects locally, nationally and internationally.
Research at KORFOR (
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Sist oppdatert 29.02.2024