The Public Procurement Act with associated regulations shall be complied with in connection with procurements. These regulations help the public sector conduct its business with great integrity, so that the public is confident that procurements are carried out in a socially beneficial manner.
The fundamental requirements include good business practice, high business ethics standards in internal case management, and ensuring that there is no discrimination between suppliers. A procurement shall, as far as possible, be based on competition, and the considerations of predictability, transparency and verifiability shall be safeguarded.
All meetings must be agreed in advance in accordance with the undertaking's guidelines. Unannounced visits to the hospital trusts shall not take place.
Managers at levels one, two and three are authorised to approve meeting appointments.
Invoices must be sent electronically in the public electronic trading format (EHF 3.0). In order to ensure prompt processing and timely payment of received invoices, it is important that formal requirements are met and that the marking is accurate.
Specifically, this means that:
Invoices are marked with order number (10 digits)
Common errors that cause longer processing times:
Incorrect amount on the invoice
Failure to deliver/quantity deviation
In the event of incorrect amounts, credit notes must be issued on all or part of the invoice; partial payment will not be made. Stavanger Hospital Trust reserves the right to return invoices that are incorrect in accordance with specified requirements.
In the event the invoice recipient is incorrect, a credit note and new invoice must be issued to the correct addressee.
The order number the supplier has received from an ordering department must be used as the invoice reference. The number shall be used in the XML field "OrderReference/ID" (numeral characters only). This allows our invoice system to automatically check invoices against (approved) orders in the ordering system and transfer to payment according to given rules. The use of "OrderReference" is not compulsory according to the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency's implementation guide and it is recommended that larger companies use this.
A processing time of approx. 30 days must be expected to give us time to carry out adequate checks on received claims.
Interest claims related to shorter payment deadlines are not generally accepted.
Interest claims related to incorrect or poorly marked invoices are not accepted.
Sensitive information on invoices must be limited.
Information should be anonymised as far as possible so that names and birth numbers are not shown on invoices or attachments. Such information shall only be provided if specifically requested by the recipient.
Alternative ways of communicating sensitive information should be considered.
All invoices must be sent electronically to the following address: 0192:983974678 983 974 678
The Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust carries out tenders and manages the agreements after they have been signed on behalf of all hospital trusts in Norway. The Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust was established on 17 December 2015 and makes procurements in almost all areas of the specialist health service, such as IT equipment, pharmaceuticals, technical medical equipment, medical and administrative consumables, and services such as temporary personnel and flights. The procurement projects are carried out in close collaboration with specialist groups comprised of relevant professional personnel.
On a Norwegian scale, the hospital trusts are major purchasers of equipment, materials, goods and services. The hospital trusts collectively purchase billions of NOK worth of goods, equipment and services each year.
After the Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust has entered into an agreement with a supplier, procurement of goods and services is carried out by Stavanger Hospital Trust.