SESAM - Centre for Age-related Medicine

SESAM - Centre for Age-Related Medicine - was established by the Western Norway Regional Health Authority in 2010, to improve coordination, research and professional development, networking and education within the field of geriatric medicine. Proper care for the elderly may include physical, psychiatric and social concerns that arise in connection with acute illness, management of a chronic condition, or during rehabilitation or end-of-life care.

Geriatric medicine includes physical, mental and social conditions that can arise in connection with acute illness, in the treatment of chronic disorders, in rehabilitation and at the end of life. Interaction between the specialist health service and the municipal health service is re prerequisite for the development of good and coherent health services for the elderly. SESAM has interaction as a special area of responsibility and must also be a resource centre for the municipal health service.

SESAM shall contribute to strengthening research and professional development within the field of geriatric medicine.
The centre shall work to strengthen the collaboration on research and professional development between the regional health businesses, the municipalities and other key partners.

SESAM is responsible for stimulating and coordinating research and professional development.

SESAM focuses on networking in the region and is responsible for establishing and coordinating interdisciplinary regional fora and networks. Each year SESAM arranges a SESAM conference within the field of geriatrics medicine.

The centre shall participate in teaching basic education, further education and continuing education, and provide advice and academic support in order to help spread new knowledge throughout the regions.


Postal address

Postboks 8100
4068 Stavanger


Contact point

Jan Johnsens gate 16, 4011 Stavanger


Parkeringshuset ligger under St. Svithun Hotell, og har 349 parkeringsplasser. Disse er forbeholdt besøkende til Stavanger universitetssjukehus og hotellet.


Det er mulighet for korttidsparkering ved hovedinngangen (max 15 min). ​

Parkering for bevegelseshemmede

Utenfor hovedinngangen (inngang 1) er det fire parkeringsplasser som er forbeholdt bevegelseshemmede.

​Parkering for langtidspårørende

Pårørende må betale full parkeringsavgift de tre første døgnene, deretter vil du kunne å kjøpe parkeringstillatelse til redusert pris.

​Ladestasjon for el-bil

Besøkende med el-bil parkerer i parkeringshuset under pasienthotellet, og betaler​ som vanlige gjester.

Les mer om parkering

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    Our research

    We are engaging in various research projects at SESAM, some clinical and some are more social science based. Here you can find some of the research we are currently undertaking.
    Read more about our research
    bilde av en bok


    WiseAge is SESAM's platform for user and community involvement. WiseAge shall be a movement that promotes opportunities for user involvement in research and knowledge development in an aging society.
    Read more about WiseAge
    happy elderly man